not guilty


not guilty

viaton, syytön, vapautettu.

Rimmaavat sanat

not guilty rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

not guilty (englanti > suomi)

  1. syyttömyys

  2. vapauttava päätös

  3. syytön

not guilty englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A formal plea by a defendant of not being culpable for the crime with which the defendant is charged.

  2. If you do not plead, a plea of not guilty will be entered for you.

  3. puhekieltä A verdict or formal finding by the legal system that a defendant is not culpable for the crime with which the defendant was charged.

  4. {{quote-book|2003|D.B.C. Pierre|Vernon God Little|page=238|isbn=1841954608|url=

  5. A member of a jury or tribunal supporting acquittal, or a vote cast in support of acquittal.

  6. {{quote-book|2006|John Lutz|Chill of Night|page=213|url=|isbn=0786016353

  7. A person who has been acquitted of a crime.

  8. {{quote-book|1997|w:David Brinkley|David Brinkley|Everyone Is Entitled to My Opinion|url=|isbn=0345409523|page=32|chapter=June 5, 1983

  9. puhekieltä Of a person, legally innocent of a crime which they have been accused of in a court of law.

  10. He was found not guilty because there was a reasonable doubt.

  11. puhekieltä innocent Innocent.

  12. The jury said he was not guilty. I knew he wouldnt have done something like that.''
